• On Canoes, Pine Trees, and Volcanoes: The Importance of Eyewitness Observation in Environmental Journalism

    On Canoes, Pine Trees, and Volcanoes: The Importance of Eyewitness Observation in Environmental Journalism

    By: Mark Neužil There are three critical components of environmental journalism: observation, research, and description. Of the three, in my experience as a journalist and journalism teacher, eyewitness observation is the piece that is most likely undervalued and, in some cases, ignored altogether. Most journalists, by the time they get to a level in their…


  • Picturing Complexity: Environmental Photojournalism in the Twentieth Century

    Picturing Complexity: Environmental Photojournalism in the Twentieth Century

    By: Anna-Katharina Woebse Ever since the invention of photography in the late nineteenth century, animals, plants, picturesque sites, sublime landscapes, and human interactions with the environment, have provided motifs that have captured many modifications of human-nature relations. Photography has fundamentally affected the way readers and viewers understand and learn about the dynamics and consequences of…


  • Beyond Denial and Anger: How Journalists and Scientists can Collaborate for Better Communication

    Beyond Denial and Anger: How Journalists and Scientists can Collaborate for Better Communication

    By: Rosalind Margaret Donald In the early months of 1999, the UK press traded headlines for and against the use of genetically modified crops. A circulation war had escalated to ecstatic heights, peaking in February with the Daily Express’s headline “MUTANT CROPS COULD KILL YOU.” Questioned a few months after the frenzy was over, in the…


  • Green Talks: Barbro Soller and the Emergence of Modern Environmentalism in 1960s Sweden

    Green Talks: Barbro Soller and the Emergence of Modern Environmentalism in 1960s Sweden

    *Featured image: The modern villa family, on the front page of the Dagens Nyheter newspaper, 4 November 1968. ©Dagens Nyheters digital archive, used with kind permission. By David Larsson Heidenblad The historiography of modern environmentalism revolves around scientists, intellectuals, activists, and politicians. Hence, we know much about the likes of Rachel Carson and Barry Commoner, the formation…


  • Green Talks: Looking Behind the Scenes of Environmental Journalism

    Green Talks: Looking Behind the Scenes of Environmental Journalism

    In this new series edited by Maximilian Feichtner, Jonas Stuck, and Ayushi Dhawan of the DFG Emmy-Noether Research Group Hazardous Travels. Ghost Acres and the Global Waste Economy, the authors take a look into the role of environmental journalism in communicating science and spurring change, as well as the challenges journalists face in documenting and…


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